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Improve your visibility in Google.

SEO positioning leads to better visibility as well as greater visitor traffic. Therefore, the more visits you get, the more opportunities you have to increase your conversions and sales.

Establishing a winning SEO strategy requires time and patience, but with a solid base the results will come in no time.

Do you like the idea? We´ll explain to you how we do it.

SEO Auditing

To begin an SEO project, it is necessary to investigate to devise a good strategy.

Buyer persona

What is your ideal client? What interests do they have? What attracts them to your product or service?

Initial Keywords

Have you used any keywords before? If so, did you have any initial keywords before that?


How is the quality of your inbound links?


Who are they? What keywords have they used? What domain and page authority do they have?

On Page SEO

We will begin working on your SEO taking account of the factors found within your website.


A great SEO strategy is based on an accurate analysis of keywords to bring potential customers to your website.


The size of the images and the insertion of labels can influence the indexing and loading speed of a website.

Internal Links

We will revise which sections are most interlinked within the website and which ones should receive the most authority.

SEO titles

Establish descriptive titles to make it easier for Google.

Meta Descriptions

Complement the titles to catch the user’s attention.


A good HTML heading structure helps with the readability for Google and for your users.

Technical SEO

These factors also pertain to SEO On Page, but they require a more technical level to optimize your website.

Loading Speed

The less time it takes to load your website, the more visits your page will receive.


Using the robots.txt file, we can allow or deny access to Google’s crawlers.


With this sitemap file, we indicate to Google the hierarchy and index priority of the pages that make up our website.

Broken Links

Are there 404 errors within your website? This could cause you to lose visits.


301 redirects help lead the user to a page other than your website which is usually due to page not found problems.


A bad user experience can penalize your website. Why don´t you take a look at our section on web design?

Off Page SEO

Now is the time to analyze if other relevant websites link to ours to gain more traffic.


Backlinks are a fantastic way to build trust with users through other websites

Link Quality

It is essential that your links are from trusted websites and that they are related to your work.

Competitor Analysis

How many links do your competitors have? Who is linking them? To which pages?

Traffic Analysis

Which websites link your site the most, what text do they use in those links, which pages are linked the most?

The journey is just getting started

I’m already familiar with some SEO factors, is this it?

Keep in mind that many SEO factors greatly depend on the development of your website. If you are interested, we recommend you read our section on web design.

Would you like to take advantage of our SEO positioning service? Review this FAQ

Of course, all you have to do is fill out the form from the bottom of the page to request your SEO quote. We will get back to you as soon as possible by email. If the quote is satisfactory for you, let us know and we will get to work.

Appearing in the first page and within the top Google results generates more visits, more traffic, and the possibility of more leads and more conversions for your business.

As you have probably seen, there are many SEO factors, but the most important ones are keywords, loading speed, content quality of your website, and that you have an adaptable design for various devices.

It depends on what you´re looking for. Although the two are search engine marketing techniques, PPC positions you in the Google Advertising section, above the organic results. In addition, it is also a quicker technique with an almost immediate positioning based on pay per click, but if you stop paying, it disappears. On the other hand, SEO is a more long-term technique to position yourself in Google’s organic results, but the work you put into SEO will not disappear when you stop paying.

This is the million dollar question, as there can be dozens of reasons. It could be because your website is new and it hasn’t had enough time to inform Google of how to find it. Indexing problems in your website, URL blocks, lack of authority, or a shortage of inbound links could also be the issue.

You have to understand that establishing a link building strategy is not a quick or easy process. Techniques such as participating in forums or in blogs as a guest author are commonplace, or registering your site in specialized sites and generating content.

Of course, Google can penalize you if it catches you buying link packages or doing something that suggests you obtaining links in an unnatural way. Other factors can be having duplicated content, converting your website into a link farm, or having many 404 errors.

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